Fastener Machinery

Wire Machinery

Threaded Rods Bundling Machines

Separate, Count, Pack, All-in-One

Videx bundling machines automatically separate, count, and pack threaded rods. Videx offers machines with up to 4,000mm (12ft) threaded rod bundling solutions. The bundling machines are simple, easy to operate, programable, and can easily handle M6 to M30 (1/4”-1 1/4”). Videx encourages our customers to use our cardboard packing solution to reduce plastic waste and help our environment.

  • The Bundling Machine performs the following operations:
  • Accept 1-2.5 tons bulk of threaded Rods, loaded by an overhead crane or forklift.
  • Loosen the bulk, Separate, and feed the Threaded Rods.
  • Count and Separate the Threaded Rods according to the preset quantity per thread size.
  • Transfer each bundle to the wrapping station.
  • Wrap the bundle by rope, by welded plastic strips or into a cardboard box/tube
  • Discharge the bundle into the finished bundle bin.



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